FNSP Professor of Political Behavior

Sciences Po Paris


I'm a political scientist at the Center for Political Research (CEVIPOF) in Sciences Po Paris. Prior to my current position, I worked at the University of Montreal and King's College London where I directed the Quantitative Political Economy Group during 5 years. Before that, I completed my studies, including PhD, at my local university in Belgium, the University of Louvain.

My areas of expertise include democratic institutions, elections, political participation, and voting, which I approach from a micro perspective. More specifically, I use (quasi) experiments to study the role of elections in shaping people's experiences with representative democracy. I also occasionally contribute to methodological discussions in the social sciences, particularly regarding surveys and experiments.

I've also conducted a dozen of large-scale experiments and surveys in various countries, including Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. In 2020, I've coordinated the European Political Institution Survey, in which more than 15,000 respondents participated across 15 European countries.

Below is a selection of my favorite articles that best represent my current research interests. For a full list see, here.


(2023) Public Support for Citizens' Assemblies Selected through Sortition: Evidence from 15 Countries.

European Journal of Political Research 62(3): 873-902 (with Jean-Benoit Pilet, Davide Vittori, and Emilien Paulis).

(2022) Does the Number of Candidates Increase Turnout? Causal Evidence From Two-Round Elections.

Political Behavior 44(4): 2005–2026 (with Ria Ivandic).

(2021) Estimating Humanity’s Attitudes About Democracy and Political Leaders: Patterns and Trends.

Public Opinion Quarterly 85(4): 957–986 (with Christopher J. Anderson and Aurelia Ananda).

(2021) The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Political Support: Some Good News for Democracy?

European Journal of Political Research 60(2): 497–505 (with Marco Giani,  André Blais, and Peter J. Loewen).

(2019) Electoral Rules, Strategic Entry, and Polarization.

Journal of Public Economics 178: 104065 (with Konstantinos Matakos, Orestis Troupounis, and Dimitrios Xefteris).

Curriculum Vitae